Cybersecurity is one of the biggest challenges facing companies and organizations today. According to the Symantec Information Security Threats report, in 2020 there was a 350% increase in ransomware attacks (attacks that request extortion of stolen data), indicating a growing sophistication of cybercriminals and the need for more effective protection against cyber threats is born. Additionally, according to Verizon’s 2021 Information Security report, phishing and credential theft were the top attack vectors used by cybercriminals in 2020.
With this in mind, security in the cloud or from the cloud is vitally important to protect the information and digital systems of companies and organizations that use cloud services. Amazon Web Services (AWS), as one of the leading cloud service providers, has been noted for its focus on security. AWS offers a wide variety of tools and services to protect information, including data encryption, multi-factor authentication, access control, intrusion detection, and threat management. In addition, AWS complies with a large number of security and privacy standards, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Cloud security is essential to protect business and organization data and systems, and AWS has established itself as a leader in this field.
In our experience, we have observed that many organizations use multiple different security tools to protect their data. However, these tools often do not integrate well with each other, making it difficult to detect and respond to security threats. Additionally, a lack of integration can increase the costs and complexity of security management, which can result in insufficient data protection. Therefore, it is important that organizations look for security solutions that offer effective integration between the different tools, to ensure complete and effective protection of sensitive data.
As a solution to the problem, AWS created Amazon Security Lake to help its customers improve the security of their data and applications in the cloud. Amazon Security Lake is a secure and scalable data repository that enables AWS customers to store, process, and analyze large amounts of security data, such as audit logs, security events, alerts, and vulnerabilities.
By providing a cloud-based security solution, AWS seeks to address the security challenges faced by businesses and organizations operating in increasingly complex digital environments. With Amazon Security Lake, AWS customers can:
Provide the opportunity to carry out both descriptive and predictive analytics processes, improving decision making.
Facilitate internal and external audits by centralizing security data.
Improve internal processes in security teams and integrations such as DevSecOps processes.
Integrate with AWS organizations following the AWS suggested account and environment management model.
By analyzing the information, refine the incident response processes.
Facilitate forensic processes by maintaining a history of security information and being able to cross-reference sources.
Amazon security Lake adopts the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF), an open standard.
It has integration to add on-premise sources, helping to integrate with your cloud environment.
Additionally, Amazon Security Lake integrates with a wide variety of third-party security and analytics tools such as Cisco, Barracuda, Cloudflare, CrowdStrike, DTEX, IBM Security, IronNet, JupiterOne, Okta, Palo Alto Networks, Rapid7, Salesforce, Securonix, Sumo Logic, Tanium, Trend Micro, and Zscaler, allowing AWS customers to customize their security solution to meet their specific needs. In summary, AWS created Amazon Security Lake to help its customers improve the security of their data and applications in the cloud, offering a scalable and flexible solution that adapts to the needs of each organization.
If you’d like to understand how to implement Amazon Security Lake in your organization, or would like to learn more about our experiences deploying security tools on AWS, please contact us here.
En Insbuilt trabajamos de la mano con usted, su equipo, sus procesos y sus objetivos.
Lo acompañamos en la implementación de soluciones innovadoras basadas en la nube, pensando en ella como el entorno digital donde sus ideas cosecharán los mejores resultados.
– Talleres de adopción de la nube para alta y media dirección (Cloud Adoption Framework – CAF)
– Estructura inicial cloud / Célula Cloud (Personas y perfiles)
– Planes de capacitación
– Procesos de transición a la nube
Migración a la nube
Nunca estará solo. Nuestro equipo profesional lo acompaña en cada paso que de para adoptar la nube. Tanto líderes como colaboradores de soporte tendrán siempre un proceso de participación en las implementaciones y de aprendizaje paralelo bajo modernos esquemas ágiles.
Assessment (Evaluación de workloads)
Readiness & Planning (Diseño del plan de migración)
Landing Zone (Control Tower)
SAP on AWS (Descubrimiento y Migraciones)
Data & Analytics
En esta nueva economía, el dato está en el corazón de todos los negocios. Las soluciones de la nube, le habilitan conocer mejor los mercados actuales a partir de la información de los usuarios, consumidores o beneficiarios de sus servicios o productos. Aproveche la información para el mejoramiento de su oferta comercial y de su negocio en general.
Discovery Workshops
Data Lakes iniciales
ETLs y Visualización
Machine Learning / Inteligencia Artificial (ML/AI)
El factor humano es la clave en la adopción y transformación digital. Nuestra gente, posee diversas capacidades para facilitar cualquier etapa de la adopción digital. Proveemos recursos a modalidad de tiempos y materiales para proyectos transformacionales en la nube. Típicamente alocamos recursos de:
People is key to Cloud adoption and digital transformation. Our experts have different skills to facilitate any stage of digital adoption. We provide resources in the form of time and materials for transformational projects in the cloud. We typically allocate resources from:
At Insbuilt we work hand in hand with you, your team, your processes and your goals.
We accompany you in the implementation of innovative cloud-based solutions, thinking of it as the digital environment where your ideas will reap the best results.
– Cloud adoption workshops for senior and middle management (Cloud Adoption Framework – CAF)
– Initial cloud structure / Cloud Cell (People and profiles)
– Training plans
– Cloud transition processes
Cloud Migration
You will never be alone in this journey. Our professional team accompanies you in every step you take to adopt the cloud. Both leaders and support collaborators will always have a process of participation in implementations and parallel learning under modern agile schemes.
Assessment (Workload Evaluation)
Readiness & Planning
Landing Zone (Control Tower)
SAP on AWS (Discovery and Migrations)
Data & Analytics
In this new economy, the data is at the heart of all businesses. Cloud solutions enable you to better understand current markets based on information from users, providers or consumers of your services or products. Take advantage of the information to improve your commercial offer and your business in general.
Discovery Workshops
Data Lakes
ETLs and Visualization (BI)
Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence (ML / AI)
We know that the challenge of migrating to the cloud is complex. Operating and maintaining workloads requires additional staff that sometimes the organizations budget does not contemplate.
Sabemos que el desafío de migrar a la nube es complejo. Operar y mantener los workloads requiere personal adicional que a veces el presupuesto de las organizaciones no contemplan.